Our Curriculum Approach

MFSIS is an accredited Cambridge International School. As such we identify and align with Cambridge learners attributes in developing learners who are confident, responsible, innovative and engaged. At MFSIS, our devotion is in helping students find and acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes for themselves through student-centered approaches to teaching and learning. Hence, the active-learning approach is highly utilized. Teachers are therefore facilitators of learning who fully understand that every child is unique and can be helped to succeed using child-friendly strategies.

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What You Can Achieve With US

  • Ensuring High Academic Standard

    Delivers a broad curriculum that draws from various teaching methods, with diversity in many languages of instruction and English as the core;

    Offers the students the needed enivronment to develop lively, enquiring minds and independent thinking;

    Encourages participation in co-curricular activities;

    Seek for higher professional development of staff;

    Identifies and meets the needs of students, including student(s) with special educational needs;

    Keeps abreast of trends in education and ensures that the curriculum remains relevant and dynamic.

    MFSIS World
  • Providing The Need Tools Of Development

    Technology Integration: Integrating technology into the learning process to enhance student engagement and prepare them for a digital world;

    STEM Education: Fostering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills;

    Adequate Learning Resources: Providing access to a wide range of learning materials, including textbooks, e-books, online resources, and multimedia tools;

    Practical Learning Opportunities: Offering hands-on experiences, projects, and real-world applications to reinforce theoretical knowledge;

    Inclusive Education: Creating an inclusive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of all students, including those with special needs;

    Support Services: Offering counseling, mentoring, and tutoring services to help students overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

    MFSIS World
  • Building Personal Values In Students

    Ethical Education: Incorporating ethics and moral principles into the curriculum to foster honesty, integrity, and responsibility in students whiles fostering virtues such as empathy, kindness, respect, and compassion;

    Self-Reflection and Growth Mindset: Encouraging self-reflection and cultivating a growth mindset, encouraging resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges and setbacks that fosters a belief in the potential for personal growth and improvement;

    Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Implementing SEL programs to help students develop self-awareness, empathy, emotional regulation, interpersonal skills whiles encouraging students to understand and connect with others' feelings and perspectives;

    Civic Education: Promoting civic engagement and responsible citizenship by educating students about their rights, responsibilities, and the importance of community involvement;

    Cultural Awareness: Promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity to foster an appreciation for diversity and global understanding;

    Digital Citizenship: Educating students about responsible and ethical behaviour online and promoting a positive digital footprint;

    Positive Role Models: Ensuring that educators and school staff serve as positive role models and exemplify the values they seek to instil.

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  • Lifelong Learning

    We believe that learning is a lifelong journey. Our objective is to instill a love for learning in our students and cultivate their curiosity, self-motivation, and ability to pursue knowledge independently.

    We aim to create lifelong learners who are eager to explore and grow throughout their lives.

    MFSIS World
  • To Build Global Citizens

    Global Awareness: We see the need to cultivate global awareness among students by exposing them to different cultures, traditions, languages, and world events. Through interactive learning experiences, students gain a broader perspective of the world and develop a sense of interconnectedness with people from diverse backgrounds;

    Cultural Competence: Encouraging cultural competence fosters an appreciation for diversity and helps students navigate cultural differences with sensitivity and respect. By embracing different perspectives, students develop open-mindedness and the ability to adapt and collaborate with individuals from various cultural backgrounds;

    Media Literacy: Teaching media literacy equips students to critically evaluate information from various sources, promoting a deeper understanding of global events and issues. This skill is vital in an era of vast information and misinformation;

    Cross-Cultural Communication: Effective communication across cultures is essential for global citizens. Schools should provide opportunities for students to engage in cross-cultural interactions, fostering strong communication skills and cultural adaptability;

    Service-Learning and Community Involvement: Engaging in service-learning projects and community involvement allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to address local and global challenges. These experiences empower students to become active agents of positive change;

    Global Education Partnerships: Collaborating with educational institutions and organizations worldwide facilitates the exchange of ideas and best practices. Partnerships also create opportunities for student exchanges and enriching cultural experiences.

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Pre-School Curriculum

MFSIS Pre-School welcomes children from age 2 up to 5, starting from Nursery 1 and ending at Reception (KG2). Our qualified staff offer a safe, caring and stimulating environment for children to learn and develop. We encourage active learning through play, enabling our children to grow in confidence and succeed in future learning situations.

The Pre-School curriculum comprises of the cambridge Early Years Foundation Program and Montessori, which is relevant to the children’s needs and prepares them for future school years. The children are taken through literacy, numeracy and IPC lessons. Our activity based lessons give the children the opportunity to actively participate in class. The teachers observe and respond appropriately to children’s needs as a result of being aware of how children develop and learn.

Our curriculum enables children to progress towards the Seven Areas of Learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Art and Design

The seven areas of learning help our teachers plan the learning environment and activities to provide the children with the opportunity to develop competencies and skills.

Fused with the montessori teaching method in various lessons, the children are taken through various themes which help them to understand the need to become aware of the world around them and develop an international mind-set alongside their own nationality. The students embark on field trips to acquire more insights into a particular theme being addressed in class. Children visit places like the airport, lake, zoo, farm, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants etc.

MFSIS Pre-School provides the solid foundation needed for the Cambridge Primary programme.

Primary School

The Primary School starts from year 1 and ends at year 6. Students in year 1 are typically aged 5/6 years of age. Students in year 6 are typically aged 10/11years. At the Primary School we believe that activity-based and fun lessons, combined with a good blend of action-packed, creative, service-based and varied extra-curricular activities form the basis of a great education.Based on this simple idea, teachers are trained to deliver lessons that invite children to participate actively, express their opinions and facts eloquently, and develop skills and understanding effectively.

In the Primary School, the subjects offered are Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography, Music, ICT, French, Art, and Physical Education.

For Mathematics, English, and Science, the Cambridge Primary Programme provides the curriculum framework. It develops skills, knowledge and understanding in young learners. This curriculum provides all the necessary guidance, material, and training for classroom teaching and learning.

Art, ICT, French, Religious Education, Music and Physical Education are based on the British National Curriculum. This curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at the school.

History and Geography is based on the International Primary Curriculum. This curriculum promotes great learning, great teaching and great fun in a framework of different themes that children easily identify with.

The Online Reading Scheme has started and encompasses all students who are able to read at their own pace progressing through a variety of diverse texts. The scheme also levels the students and set targets for progression. We use apps like Google Read, Epic, Scholastic and GoNoddles

The Primary School aims to expose our students to the ‘reality outside the classroom’ . We do this by incorporating field trips and visiting speakers who are experts in their field into the curricular plans

Our Year 6 students write the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Examinations in English, Mathematics and Science in the month of April.The papers are marked externally in the UK and allow the School to benchmark its achievements against other Cambridge Schools around the world. All students receive diagnostic feedback on their individual performance.

Middle School

The Middle School is for learners between the ages of 11-14 years. The Cambridge International Examinations Secondary 1 curriculum is followed at this stage with emphasis on English, mathematics, and science.

In addition, subjects such as Music, Art, French, Geography, History, English, Math, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and ICT are also taught using the British National Curriculum. Students in Year 9 are introduced to Economics and Business Studies. ICT, which is an integral part of the curriculum is also delivered using the ICT starters’ package from CIE.

Students at this level are required to develop skills, acquire knowledge and insights needed for the IGCSE programme at Key Stage 4. The use of Cambridge Secondary 1 Curriculum and the Checkpoint Assessment Package provides a seamless progression from Middle School education (Key Stage 3) into High School (Key Stage 4 and beyond).


Our office are open during the working days of the week.School administration do not work on weekends but can be reach through our social links. We await your call.

+233 24 029 8211

Martey Carpenter Street, Spintex, Ghana,

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For tour booking, parents can schedule for the weekends in case of a busy schedule. We await your call.