Principal's Message

As the principal of My First Step International School, it is my utmost pleasure to extend a warm greeting to all our visitors. Our website serves as a gateway to our vibrant community, where we strive to inspire, empower, and create a positive impact.At My First Step International School , we believe in the power of knowledge, innovation, and collaboration. Our mission is to provide exceptional services while fostering an environment that nurtures growth, creativity, and lifelong learning. Through our website, we aim to showcase the remarkable achievements, talents, and endeavors of our students and share valuable resources with our wider audience.

We take immense pride in our dedicated team of educators and employees who are committed to delivering excellence in everything we do. By leveraging their expertise, passion, and progressive teaching methods, we ensure that each individual's potential is realized, and every opportunity for success is maximized.Moreover, we prioritize open communication, transparency, and inclusivity. Our website serves as a platform for fostering meaningful connections between students, parents, teachers, employees, and the broader community. Here, you will find up-to-date information on our programs, events, initiatives, and any relevant updates that impact our community. We encourage you to explore the various sections, engage with our content, and reach out to us with any questions or feedback you may have.As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of education, we remain committed to adapting, innovating, and staying at the forefront of advancements. Our website will continuously evolve to meet the evolving needs of our community, ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for all.

We invite you to embark on this journey with us, as together, we inspire minds, transform lives, and shape a brighter future. Warm regards,

Welcome To Our Beautiful Community

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Our office are open during the working days of the week.School administration do not work on weekends but can be reach through our social links. We await your call.

+233 24 029 8211

Martey Carpenter Street, Spintex, Ghana,

Contact Us

For tour booking, parents can schedule for the weekends in case of a busy schedule. We await your call.